Extraction of Inertial and Droop Response from Utility-Scale Battery Pack While Charging
Date: Mon, June 04, 2018
Time: 1:30pm
Location: Holmes Hall 389
Speaker: Jubeyer Rahman, EE MS Candidate
In weak grids, high penetration of renewable energy sources (RES) poses a major threat to the overall system stability and reliability. Absence/lack of rotational inertia worsens stability issues like frequency support in case of a disturbance. After the loss of a generating unit, a fast-acting battery energy storage system (BESS) can emulate the role of the lost generator by providing dynamic frequency support until corrective actions are taken to restore the frequency. This work focuses on using a BESS in charging mode to emulate the behavior of a spinning generator, providing inertial and droop response. To achieve the objective, a modification in battery charge control algorithm has been introduced. It ensures the provision of ancillary services free of cost and exclusion of any additional wear and tear on the BESS. As test cases, some customized models of small microgrids have been used, and the effect of droop and inertial response from the BESS on the transient frequency response of the system has been investigated using time domain simulations in PSCAD/EMTDC.