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Amplitude-Only Sensing Systems – A Machine-Learning Approach

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Date:  Fri, November 18, 2022
Time:  5:15pm - 6:15pm
Location:  Holmes 389; online available, see below registration info
Speaker:  Gaeron Friedrichs

A Joint ECE Department / IEEE MTT-S Seminar


With the proliferation of 5G and the projected introduction of next-generation wireless, radio systems are becoming even more widespread, but also more complex. Booming connectivity has led to a plethora of radio systems that stream I/Q data and boast reconfigurability. The utility of sensing systems has backpacked off these developments, allowing for sensing systems to be deployed on low-cost UAVs, integrated with COTS SDRs, and deployed in high numbers. However, simple, amplitude-only systems are often overlooked. An amplitude-only approach can drastically reduce the cost of deployed hardware, and high performance capabilities can be achieved through the use of machine learning. In this work, amplitude-only antenna systems are surveyed for their applicability to various sensing applications. Machine learning is discussed as a tool used to enhance the capabilities of these systems, and practical considerations therein are investigated.


Gaeron Friedrichs received the BS degree in electrical engineering from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) in 2019 with highesthonors (Summa Cum Laude). He joined the Antenna Research Group at the University of Colorado Boulder in 2019, where he is currently an NSF Graduate Research Fellow and Lockheed Martin Endowed Graduate Fellow pursuing a PhD. His research interests are machine learning, tightly coupled arrays, and direction-finding systems.

Online available, register for connection info at

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