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Fight Climate Change and Decline of Rooftop Solar-PV in Hawaii with Resilient Island Nano-Grid 2nd Solar Wave and Zero Grid-Buy Equivalence

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Date:  Wed, March 20, 2019
Time:   6:00pm - 9:00pm
Location:  Holmes Hall 389
Speaker:  John O. Borland, Senior Member IEEE, Chair IEEE PES Hawaiʻi Chapter

Sponsored by the IEEE Power and Energy Society Hawaii chapter and University of Hawaiʻi IEEE Student Branch, DL Seminar Series

Pizza and beverage will be served starting at 6PM.  RSVP for Pizza head count to


Problem Statement:

  1. Carbon emissions for the US has increased +2.5% to 5.4B tons in 2018 and globally +2.9% to 37.1B tons so we must all do our part to fight Climate Change (Global Warming) today by reducing carbon emissions (carbon footprint) one home/building at a time by switching to 100% Renewable Energy (Solar Energy + Multi-Storage) in our Day-to-Day life!
  2. However, the 1st Solar Wave in Hawaii was not sustainable, residential rooftop solar-PV market has declined by -84% since peaking in 2013 even though the price of a rooftop solar system has dropped from >$5/W to ~$3/W and the price for residential Li-ion battery storage is as low as 50¢/W.
  3. Lessons learned from; 1) Puerto Rico hurricane Maria, 2) California utilities rolling blackouts, wildfires and mudslides and 3) Hawaii volcano lava flow disaster in 2018 show utilities with centralized grid and above ground distribution power lines are not resilient to natural disasters that can cut-off power, locally isolating homes and communities costing hundreds to thousands of lives as in the case for Puerto Rico hurricane (2,975) and CA wildfire (86).

Solution: 2nd Solar Wave sustainability requires more customer education and interaction to control Home/Building energy ecosystem.

  1. Key is using IoT (Internet of Things) and smart devices for monitor/control of automated house/building energy ecosystem and being renewable energy conservation minded for lifestyle behavioral changes to sustain 100% renewables on sunny and partly sunny/cloudy days while using grid-buy on rainy/cloudy days.
  2. A Smart Home/Building Energy Management System for the optimum integration of Multiple-Storage (battery and hot & cold thermal storage) with Solar Energy (sun light & heat) to achieve 100% Renewable Energy.
  3. House/building resiliency requires Island Nano-Grid, clusters of Nano-Grids and Micro-Grids not centralized grid to ensure security, safety, savings and save lives
  4. To achieve the same cost savings as Zero Net Energy Metering from the old NEM program with the same minimal monthly utility bill of $25/month in Hawaii requires Zero Grid-Buy or Equivalence with the current CGS+ (<67.5kWh/month), CSS (<45kWh/month) or TOU (<104kWh/month) programs.

We will show results for 8 different case studies; 1) two homes under the old-NEM program achieving - 57kWh/month and -323kWh/month with Zero Net Energy Metering for 100% reduction in carbon footprint, 2) one townhouse with the old-CGS program achieving 32% reduction in grid-buy (carbon footprint), 3) two homes with the CSS program using solar + storage one achieving a 44% reduction in carbon footprint but with an added cost of 15% while the other achieving a 92% reduction in carbon footprint and cost savings ROI of <3.2 years, 4) two homes with no solar and 5) two homes adding EV charging for either a Chev Bolt or Tesla that results in an increase in grid-buy between 60-80%. In summary, the key to sustain the 2nd solar wave is having the right data analytics with interactive assets to achieve Zero Grid-Buy Equivalence, 100% Renewable Island Nano-Grid using solar energy (light & heat) with multi-storage (battery, hot & cold thermal storage) ensuring resilience, security, safety, cost savings and save lives with an ROI of <3.2 years.

Speaker Bio:

John Ogawa Borland was raised in Hawaiʻi attending Waipahu and Pearl Harbor Kai Elementary schools, Aliumanu Intermediate school and Radford High school. In his senior year he was an NSF-SSTP student at Chaminade College and also an Eagle Scout. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Material Science and Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, MA. He completed his BS thesis research on InP Liquid Phase Epitaxial (LPE) crystal growth at Hughes Malibu Research Labs in 1980 and his MS thesis research on InP Molecular Beam Epitaxial (MBE) crystal growth at Nippon Telephone and Telegraph (NTT) Labs in Musashino, Tokyo, Japan in 1981. He is a senior member of IEEE and was the IEEE Hawaiʻi section chair for 2014 & 2015.  He is the current chair of the IEEE Hawaii Section of the Power & Energy Society (PES).  He is also a member of the Electrochemical Society (ECS) and was co-organizer for various ECS technical conferences/symposium including the Symposium on ULSI Process Integration (2001, 2003 & 2005), Semiconductor Silicon (1994 & 1998) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (1987, 1989, & 1991). He also is advisory committee co-chair for the IEEE International Workshop on Junction Technology (2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014) held in Kyoto, Japan and Shanghai, China. He has published over 134 technical and invited papers around the world in the areas of advanced semiconductor device manufacturing techniques and high efficiency c-Si solar cells and has been awarded 6 patents.

He was Director of Operations of APIC’s subsidiary Advanced Integrated Photonics which is their Silicon Photonics Foundry Fab in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi from April 2013 to August 2014. In June 2003 he founded JOB Technologies a strategic marketing, sales and technology consulting company providing service to the semiconductor device manufacturing and equipment companies focusing in the area of 10nm and 7nm node front end of line process development. Through his consulting activities he was involved in: 1) strategic marketing and sales of front end of line equipment, 2) high-k gate dielectric process development, 3) developing new metrologies to accurately characterize ultra-shallow junctions, 4) new diffusion-less processing techniques to achieve USJ with semiconductor IC and equipment companies and 5) creating a new market for and invented/patented localized and blanket Ge processing for high mobility channel material and continued device scaling . From July 1998 to May 2003 he was Director of Advanced Business Development at Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates. While at VSEA, he invented/patented the high tilt high current PoGI (Post Gate Implant) process for process simplification and improved device lateral channel and source drain engineering. He also led the revived interest in low temperature diffusion-less activation by solid phase epitaxy (SPE) for USJ (ultra-shallow junction) and its inclusion in the 2003 ITRS roadmap. From Nov. 1992 to July 1998 he was Vice President of Strategic Technology at Genus and invented/patented the MeV BILLI (Buried Implanted Layer for Lateral Isolation) structure for CMOS epi replacement, process simplification and improved latch-up performance. From Sept. 1983 to Nov. 1992 he was at Applied Materials and pioneering advanced silicon epitaxial and polysilicon/amorphous deposition techniques and equipment designs for blanket epi and polysilicon. He also patented some of his work on selective epi growth (SEG) and selective poly including surface interface cleaning techniques. This led to the successful implementation of SEG for local strap and elevated source drain by IBM in their 4Mb DRAM manufacturing in 1987. Also, a variation to his epitaxial lateral overgrowth (ELO) for SOI was used for epitaxial bonded SOI wafer manufacturing by ELTRAN (Cannon). From Aug. 1981 to Sept. 1983 he was at National Semiconductor Corp. developing the VHSIC-CMOS front end processing including bulk and epi wafer intrinsic gettering for improved gate oxide integrity and yield as well as substrate and CMOS well engineering for improved latch-up immunity.

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