Smart Data for Sustainable Energy and Mobility
Date: Mon, July 03, 2017
Time: 9:00am-10:00am
Location: Holmes Hall 388
Speaker: Prof. Chunming Rong (University of Stavanger)
Supported by the Horizon 2020 on Smart Cities and Communities (SCC), the Triangulum project shall demonstrate how a systems innovation approach based around the European Commission's SCC Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) can drive dynamic smart city development. The SIP shall be tested across three lighthouse cities, Manchester, Eindhoven and Stavanger, which represent the main typologies of European cities. They are complemented by our follower cities Prague, Leipzig and Sabadell. The suite of services developed will be based around zero/low energy districts, integrated infrastructures and sustainable urban mobility designed to deliver a range of cross-cutting outcomes across different sectors and stakeholders. This will provide the basis of recommendations on how to facilitate wider replication. The following impacts are expected: reduced energy consumption of buildings, increased use of renewable energies, increased utilization of electric vehicles, deployment of intelligent energy management technologies and the deployment of an adaptive and dynamic ICT data hub. The data hub provides access to data from the urban infrastructures and allowing for provisions of value added services on top of it. The data might be available as streams of real-time sensor data, as (static) raw data originating from various data providers, or as enriched data which has been extracted and improved out of the raw data and/or the real time sensor data with e.g. semantic relations or quality information. The Open Data and Service Engine consists of two layers: 1) the Analytics Layer that deals with real-time sensor data, raw data and corresponding enriched data, which are all in turn made available for the required smart city ICT services, and 2) the Service Layer that uses filtered and aggregated data and information from the Analytics Layer in order to provide corresponding services which are either used by urban managers, citizens and communities via Smart City Apps or that monitor, control and/or manage urban infrastructures, e.g. in order to assess, evaluate, and improve their quality. Bot Cloud and Fog infrastructure for data processing is planned.
Speaker Bio:
Prof. Chunming Rong is the chair of the IEEE Cloud Computing. He works as the head of the Center for IP-based Service Innocation (CIPSI) at the University of Stavanger and also as adjunct Senior Scientist leading Big-Data Initiative at IRIS. He chairs also the Board of which is a new startup in Norway. He was the vice president of CSA Norway Chapter (2016-2017). His research work focuses on data science, cloud computing, security and privacy. He is an IEEE senior member and is honoured as member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA) since 2011. He has extensive contact network and projects in both the industry and academic. He is also founder and Steering Chair of IEEE CloudCom conference and workshop series. He is the steering chair and associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), and co-Editors-in-Chief of the Journal of Cloud Computing (ISSN: 2192-113X) by Springer. Prof. Rong has extensive experience in managing large-scale R&D projects funded by both industry and funding agencies, both in Norway and EU.