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Microwave Power Transmission

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Date:  Mon, January 26, 2015
Time:  2:30 pm
Location:  Kuykendall 210
Speaker:  Dr. Shigeo Kawasaki, Department of Spacecraft Engineering, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies Kanagawa, Japan

Microwave technology has been widely used in the communication and the sensor systems. Recently, the microwave power transmission
(MPT) has been established as one of "Green Technologies". In this talk, the wireless green technologies by microwaves are introduced.
The compatibility of microwave power transmission with communication and sensing are demonstrated, including space use.

Dr. Shigeo Kawasaki received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Waseda University in 1979 and 1981, respectively and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1993.
He held positions at Tokai University, Kyoto University and ISAS/JAXA Japan.
His research activities include microwave and millimeter-wave wide-band gap power devices and circuits, RF-MEMS, active integrated antennas, nonlinear active device modeling, PA/LNA MMICs, active phased array antennas and the wireless energy transmission and harvesting technology."

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