Technology, Regulation and Business: The impact on the career of an engineer over his/her lifetime
Date: Wed, April 17, 2019
Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm
Location: Holmes Hall 389
Speaker: George Schmelzer
DL Seminar Talk by the IEEE Hawaii Communications Chapter and University of Hawaii IEEE Student Branch
Engineers often refer to early influences of their life that helped them to decide to become an engineer. These influences are most often other engineers accomplishing great things during their career. For George, the United State's early space program was a powerful influence especially since many of the astronauts were engineers. Engineers endure very rigorous courses and sleepless nights during their engineering education to accomplish their career aspirations and often find that their engineering courses are only part of the preparation that they need to succeed as an engineer. They will often find that non-engineering skills are also necessary such as business, legal/regulatory, project management, workplace diversity, and working with individuals from other countries.